Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Which Maat & Nikita Compete at Intermediare I: April 10, 2011

Nikita and I did our first show together at Intermediare I this weekend. I got no sleep the night before, and had been up for over 24 hours when we competed. We got 2nd place.

I'm glad I got so many comments back from the judges, and they gave us good pointers on how to get higher scores in the future. Considering I'm navigating FEI by myself, and had no help putting the test together, the feedback is good to have. Hopefully we'll do even better next time.

She was very "up", which meant The Laziest Dressage Rider Ever just had to sit and manage the energy. I like Show Nikita.

Unfortunately, there was no photographer, just a videographer, so I didn't get any photos.

Oh, and we got 7s and 8s on our pirouettes.